Thursday, March 22, 2012

Children Soldiers

Their little eyes tell stories
Stories not even the darkest heart would know
They have seen things that we only imagine
They have seen pan and murder,
no happiness or joy
children that belong belong in school
are out killing and murdering
you cannot see anymore tears in their eyes
They have cried too long and run out of tears
They feel no fear for they have nothing to lose
They were stripped from their families
They have no one to love them
You look into their faces and start to cry
Their eyes shining like the light from the moon
You can see sadness in their eyes
So you start to cry, because you know there is nothing you can do

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Day I got lost

I remember the first time I went to Disney world.  I was about 4 years old and I really didn’t pay attention to my parents.  We had gotten there and my parents went to buy the tickets and they told me to sit down and not move.  The   first minute was boring and started I to walk around.  I saw colorful and wonderful things.  I got distracted and next thing I knew I had no clue where I was.  I was lost and I didn’t even know where I was.  I didn’t know which way to go there were many path’s to take.  I decided to stay where I was and wait for my parents.  I started to get get scared after a few minutes.  I looked every way to see if they were they were but I couldn’t find  them.  There were people everywhere but I didn’t see my parents anywhere.  Quickly, paniked and went out yelling everywhere.   Next thing I knew I felt someone touch my shoulder and started laughing.  It was my parents they had been near me the whole time and I hadn’t seen them till now.  That was a scary moment for me I actually thought that I was lost for a moment.